The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Diku was an African lioness who resides at the Pridelands. She is currently a Great Lion of the Past. She was a cub rearer of Simba’s Pride. She is one of the daughters of Oba and Mkumila. Diku was the daughter of Oba and Mkumila, the sister of Naanda, Queen Sarabi and Dwala, the former mate of Scar (Askari II) and the mother of Kula.


Diku had dusky brown fur, red eyes and a pink nose. Her muzzle, paws and underbelly were lighter in colour. Her ears were rimmed with dark brown and her inner ears were a slightly lighter dark brown. Her tail tuft was dark brown. Her muzzle was small and she had a lithe build.


Diku was the more mischievous sister of Dwala, Naanda and Sarabi. She also loved cubs and she steals food from the meat pile, every night, to feed her cub, Kula and the other cubs such as Prince Simba, Tojo Nala and Mheetu. She disliked hunting, as she felt bad for all of the animals who completed the Circle of Life and she hated getting her paws dirty.


Mother: Oba

Father: Mkumila

Sisters: Dwala, Sarabi and Naanda

Ex Mate: Scar

Grandmother: Ziwa

Grandfather: Mkumila

Daughter: Kula

Son in law: Tojo

Granddaughter: Tulia

Grandson: Kondo

Uncle: Ayo

Aunt: Kenya

Daughter: Kula

Brother in law: Mufasa

Sister in law: Adea

Nephew: Simba

Niece in law: Nala

Adopted Nephews: Leo and Mega

Granddaughter in law: Tiifu

Great-Nephews: Kopa and Kion

Great-Niece: Kiara

Great-Nephew in law: Kovu

Great-Niece in laws: Vitani and Rani


-The latter part of her name (Ku) means “To” in Swahili.
