The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Dayaalu was a male lion. He was the mate of Janna, the father of Jivin and Surak, and the former king of the Tree of Life.

He is a deceased character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Dayaalu is a creamy tawny color. He has lighter brown paws and a light chest, underbelly, and muzzle with rims of dark brown on both ears. His mane is a long, curly chocolate-brown with darker patches near the shoulder and lighter streaks on top. His eyes are brown and his nose is a dark reddish-brown. Additionally, as a member of the Night Pride, he has a lion's head marking on his right shoulder. As a former king of the Tree of Life, he sports a ceremonial painted blue stripe on his forehead.


Dayaalu is bold and not afraid to fight. He is also immersed with working every day and family life and is a master at communicating and understanding others. He also has a penchant for jokes and likes brightening up tough situations with humor.



Dayaalu was born at the Tree of Life. Eventually, he married Janna, and became the second king of the Tree. He and Janna ruled for many moons until Dayaalu became ill with greencough and died; Janna abdicated the throne, allowing Jivin and Maya to take over.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

A Fragile Hope[]

Rani mentions that Janna is worried about Jivin because greencough, the illness he had, is what killed her paternal grandfather, Dayaalu.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Janna recalls the times in which she ruled the Tree of Life with Dayaalu. As they walk to the Blazing Star, Nguruma asks Janna if it was hard for her to abdicate the throne following the death of Rani's grandfather, and she admits that while it was, she knew she was putting the Tree in good paws. She knows that Dayaalu is watching her from the stars and telling her a joke, which she misses fondly.

Story of the Mwanga Pride[]



  • Dayaalu is voiced by Ace Gibson.