The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Dacey the Meerkat
Name Dacey

Of the nobility (English and French)

Southerner (Gaelic)

Species Meerkat

The Jungle Oasis

Mody and Dacey's Cave

Close Relations

Brother of Mody, and son of Monzo and Della

You never fail to made us laugh.

Dacey the Meerkat (or Dacey for a short) is a fan-made character by MarioFan65. He is a male meerkat who is the brother of Mody, and the son of Monzo and Della. He is a member from Timon's Colon and reside in the Jungle Oasis. He is voiced by Andrew Chandler.


Dacey is a kind and courage meerkat that stick around in places and always standing still as well showing up on time in need of his family support. He and his brother get along together, but sometimes, they tend to fight over if things don't go steady for them.


Dacey is a dark brown meerkat, with light brown stripes, a cream chest, and a brown patch of hair on his head.

Appearances in Fanfictions[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this character makes an appearance in that are on this wiki:


  • His fur resembles Boss Skua's feathers who appears in the Happy Feet franchise.
  • His favorite sport is grubketball (a parody of basketball), but he dislikes grubball a lot (a parody of dodgeball).
  • He is known to be a good digger like his brother is.
  • He lives in his cave home with Mody and his parents in the jungle.
  • Like Monti, he eats a lot of fresh fruit.

