Cubby Games is a story by PrinceBalto.

Baby Kion and Fuli play under the watchful eyes of their mothers
The romance of Kion and Fuli became a legend in the Pridelands, but what was it like in their very early days, when they were first meeting as babies? This is one of their early play sessions. Fuli was Kion's best friend in this canon prior to becoming his girlfriend. This is from Nala's POV and she and Tela spend time together.
Such adorableness I see before me
Not long ago, I met the cheetah Tela
My son Kion and her daughter Fuli play in front of us
They are just babies
They have only recently met
Yet they are good friends
Days ago, we met when I was giving him a little look around the Pridelands
Tela and her mate live nearby
Fuli didn't hesitate to attempt interaction with Kion
She reached out and touched his nose
Now, they play chase
Aww, I think to myself
Who knows what will happen between them in the future
I know that the Great Kings and Queens of the Past have such wonder in store
Enjoy your time, young ones, enjoy your cubby games
A wondrous destiny awaits you both, I just know it