The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Crocodiles are animals that appear in The Lion King franchise.

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While a crocodile is young, it will feed on insects. As it grows older, it will attempt to take on larger prey, such as fish, amphibians, and small reptiles. Even upon reaching adulthood, a crocodile will still feed on fish or amphibians as a side meal. When desiring a bigger bite to eat, Nile crocodiles usually target birds, reptiles, and mammals.  Among the mammals, crocodiles will feed on antelope, warthog, wildebeest, and zebra. Saltwater crocodiles will target any animal they can put their jaws upon, from monkeys, buffalo, and even sharks.

Nile crocodiles use their bodies and tails to herd fish towards the bank, where they devour them with quick jerks of their heads. When stalking large prey, crocodiles will hide in the shadows and wait for the opportune moment to jerk out of the water and make a killing bite to the victim's neck. Occasionally, crocodiles will hunt in groups, but the dominant male always gets to eat first. On the other hand, saltwater crocodiles are ambush predators and wait patiently for prey before lunging and dragging it into the water, where the crocodile will drown it slowly.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes crocodiles, add it to this list.

Crocodiles on this Wiki[]

A list of crocodiles on this wiki can be found here.

