The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Contenta is a male fox. He is the mate of Astuto, the father of Mbweha, Mzuri, and Tamu, and a member of Astuto's Leash.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Contenta is primarily blue-gray, with a pale cream underbelly, light clay-brown ears, darker blue paws, and a darker navy tail-tip. He has black eyebrows, a black nose, and black eyes with yellow sclerae.


Contenta is patient, a joker, domineering, and consistent.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

During the battle with Reth's Pride at Marsh Forest, Astuto and her family huddle near their den in fear as Reth, Slash, and Alasiri advance toward them. Soon, Reth makes his move, sinking his teeth into Contenta's tail and dragging him to the ground. Astuto attempts to fight back, but he easily knocks her aside, winding her and leaving her dazed and confused. Kion arrives on the scene, and before Reth can strike any more of the foxes, he attacks him. Once Reth's Pride retreats, Rani asks if Astuto's Leash is okay, and Astuto nods, thanking her. Later, during the predators' attacks on the Tree of Life, Astuto's Leash is attacked by Makucha's Leap, and seeing Mbweha being dangled by Jiona, Contenta bites his leg. Dropping the fox, Jiona snaps that he lost a delicacy, scratching Contenta across his cheek. Eventually, the foxes are saved when Kion uses the Roar of the Elders and its many abilities to send the predators far away.


Trivia []

  • Contenta is voiced by Beck Bennett.