The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Cobras are snakes that appear in The Lion King franchise. 


Most cobras hunt at dawn or dusk although some species are known to forage during the heat of the day. Cobras, like other snakes, can go for days or even months without feeding – depending on the size of their last meal and their recent activity. Although some species of cobra show more specialization in their preferred diets, most species are opportunists and will take whatever food is available including small mammals, birds, lizards, amphibians, other snakes, eggs and even carrion.

Egyptian cobras are relatively slender-bodied snakes. They have red or brown scales. All have a characteristic ability to raise the front quarters of their bodies off the ground and flatten their necks to appear larger to a potential predator.

Despite its colors varying based on regions, black-necked spitting cobras can be black or pale gray with yellow-red ventral sides, a broad, black neck band, and an orange or pink bar on the neck.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes cobras, add it to this list. Template:Cobra

Cobras on this Wiki[]

A list of fanon cobras on this wiki can be found here.


