The Lion King Fanon Wiki

We sure ain't!
―Chungu agreeing with his clanmates

Chungu is a male hyena. He is the son of Banzai and a member of Janja's Clan.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Much beefier than his fellow hyenas, Chungu is large, robust, and well-built. His fur is tan, with his chest and underbelly being creamy-white in color and his mane being brown. He has a patch of dark brown wrapping around his muzzle and eyes, and his spots, legs, and tail-tip are the same color. He has notched, gray inner ears, a black nose, and teal eyes with yellow sclerae.


Chungu seems to be a bit dim compared to his companions, though all the hyenas share a lust for food and power. He tends to be slow on the uptake and even then he doesn't truly understand the more intricate details of Janja's plans, which infuriates his leader to no end. Like the rest of his clan, Chungu is ravenous, devious, and has no qualms in defying the Circle of Life, especially if there's food at stake. Yet like the rest of his clan, he is a coward and will run rather than face uncertain odds.



Chungu was born in the Outlands to Banzai, around the same time as Cheezi and Janja. Eventually, he joined Janja's Clan, and serves alongside them in many villainous schemes.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]



  • Chungu is voiced by Kevin Schon.