Chumvi and Kula's pride is the family of Chumvi and Kula. They are on friendly terms with Simba's pride.
Chumvi and Kula were born into Scar's pride during his treacherous reign. They grew up alongside Nala, who became their lifelong dear friend. The pride was suffering though a horrible famine when Chumvi and Kula were cubs. As they grew, the two developed feelings for each other, already having been great friends.
Upon growing up, Scar kicked Chumvi out of the pride, as this is natural for male lions to do to young males. Kula, however, also joined Chumvi, and confessed her feelings for him. Chumvi gladly accepted Kula as his mate.
Shortly after becoming mates, Chumvi and Kula had two cubs, Uhuru and Taruo. The young family settled to an area just outside the Pride Lands. When Uhuru and Taruo were 2 months old, Kula paid a visit to Nala in Scar's pride. She stayed for a few days, and this visit ended up turning into the Battle for Pride Rock. Kula, who grew up to be against Scar's ruling, took part in the battle, fighting alongside her mother, Nala, Sarafina, Sarabi, and unnamed others.
After Simba became king, Chumvi over to retrieve Kula, worrying for her long absence. He ended up meeting Simba, and Uhuru and Taruo met their grandmother. Tama and Tojo, two friends of Simba and Nala, returned to the pride, and became friends with Chumvi and Kula. The two returned to their own territory after a short while.
Uhuru and Taruo grew up in a safe area and had a loving childhood. Once they were almost grown, Chumvi and Kula had another cub, Nkosi, a son. He became the newest addition to their family. His childhood has also been safe and loving.