The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Chumvi is a male lion. He is a cubhood friend of Nala, the mate of Kula, and father of Uhuru, Taruo and Nkosi. He is the leader of him and Kula's own small pride.

Physical appearance[]

Chumvi is a male lion with brown colored fur. He has a darker brown mane, red eyes, and dark rings around his eyes. His muzzle, chest, and stomach are a slightly lighter color.


As a cub, Chumvi was playful and thinkative. He was good friends with Nala and Kula. As he matured, he began to despise Scar for his cruel ruling. He developed feelings for Kula, but didn't want to tell her. It turns out, he didn't have to, as Kula told him about her feelings first.

The two settled outside the Pride Lands and started their own small pride. Chumvi is loving towards his children, but he can also be protective towards them.


  • As a cub, he had a large hair tuft. This formed into messy bangs over his forehead as an adult with a mane.
  • Chumvi is very smart.
  • Chumvi means "salt" in Swahili.
  • His son Uhuru greatly resembles him.