The Lion King Fanon Wiki

"Dude, we just survived a Massive Avalanche. If that's not dangerous, I dunno what is. And in case you've forgotten, I've seen those Gorillas. I know what you'll be up against. Besides, it's soooo boring up on that Mountain all by myself, so I'm coming with you.""

-Chuluun's in Circle of Life.

Chuluun is a Female Snow Leopard and A supporting Character in the Circle of Life Fanfic Series.


Very Little is known about Chuluun's backstory, but it has been recently specified that she once had an encouter with The Rough Rumblers, a menacing grou[ of gorillas who battered Snow Leopards all over the ountain, leaving her as the last one.

Circle of Life[]

Chuluun is first introduced when she finds Askari, who had gotten separated from his brother Ahadi and their guide Kito the Serpamorphentine. She demands why he's on her Mountain, and when he explains, she calms down and they both introduce each other. She asks him why he's all alone, when he notices his friends had left him behind.

She listens to Askari explain his reasons for going to the Wildlands. Ahadi then attacks Chuluun, thinking her to be a threat. After Askari briefly argues with him, they notice Kito above them in Raven form, where his wings are getting frozen from the cold Atmosphere. Kito then falls back down to earth, where his wings thaw and sends him into a ledge, starting an avalanche.

She assists Ahadi and Kito in saving Askari from the Avaanche and they all end up at the bottom of the Mountain. As Askari and Ahadi are about to follow Kito further, Chullun tells them that, since she's dealt with the Rough Rumblers, she'll be accompanying them on their quest, to which Askari happily agrees. Ahadi, however, is not very trusting of her.

To be added....


*She is implied to be Askari's first love interest.
