The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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Chozi is a male hornbill. He is the younger brother of Zazu and Josephine.

Physical appearance[]

Chozi is a male hornbill with sky blue feathers lined with black, and the tips of his wings and tail is silver colored. He has black eyebrows, a dark orange and yellow bill, and orange feet. His underbelly is white.


Chozi has always been mischievous and outgoing, with a habit of teasing his older brother. He often ruined a good time by his antics and inconsideration of others, which caused his relatives to resent him in his younger days (except for Ripoti).


  • Chozi's name means "tear" in Swahili.
  • Chozi was one of the relatives Zazu directed his quote, "There's one in every family, sire. Two in mine actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions." towards, the other being Ripoti.
  • He is very energetic.