The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Choyo S.I

Choyo , also known as the Selfish Lion , is the adoptive son of King Taji and Queen Devi of the Pridelands. He is also the adoptive brother of Mohatu and Mukasa. He is the former king of the Outlands, as well as it's first king.


Parents : Unknown

Adoptive Father : Taji

Adoptive Mother : Devi

Adoptive Brothers : Mohatu and Mukasa

Daughter : Uru

Adoptive Son : The Strange Lion

Son : Wapha

Son: Joe

Son :Tanglemane

Mates : Nia and Nya, two unnamed lionesses

The Selfish Lion-img


When exploring the Outlands, Mohatu found a lion cub abandoned. He brought the cub to his parents and named him Choyo. As Choyo grew up , he found out that he would never become king. This caused him to become selfish and lazy.

After he had a fight with Mohatu during a drought , he left to live in the Outlands. Here he met Nia the Tsavo lioness. He became her mate.

Meeting Oovu[]

Choyo’s death

His death

While he was patrolling the Outlands , he met Terdan , king of the Deadlands.They began to chat.

Soon they met Oovu.
