The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Chippy is a former Outsider lioness. She is a friend of Scruffy and Lioness.

Physical appearance[]

Chippy is a gray colored lioness with a black nose. Her eyes are red and yellow. During the battle between the Outsiders and Pride Landers, Chippy received a chipped tooth, and the nickname stuck. Her ears are fluffy. Her muzzle, chest, stomach and paws are a slightly lighter gray color.


Chippy is friendly and goofy, and likes to hang out with her friends. She is acquainted with Vitani's Lion Guard, especially Kasi.


  • She was named by fans for her chipped tooth, shortly after TLK2 was released.
    • She only appeared in one TLK2 scene, when Timon threatened the lionesses who'd cornered him and Pumbaa with Pumbaa's tail.
  • Chippy often grins to show her pleasure.
  • She is smaller than some of the other former Outsider lionesses.