The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Cheka is a male young baboon who resides at the Pridelands. He is a member of Nyani’s Troop. He is also the son of Nyani.


Cheka has taupe coloured fur with a lighter underbelly. His face, ears, hands and feet are pink. He also have a large dark taupe coloured hair tuft on the top of his head. His eyes are dark teal.


Cheka is very playful and excitable. He is very affectionate and enjoys cuddling, but also behaves very mischievously and picks up habits from other baboons very easily, as seen when he begins to throw fruit at Fuli after seeing other baboons do the same. Despite this, he is capable of taking orders and being serious when the situation calls for it.


Mother: Nyani


-His name means “Laugh” in Swahili.
