The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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You are viewing the page dedicated to Cheezi, a hyena. You may have been looking for Cheena, a lion with a similar name.

Give it up! You ain't gettin' outta there!
―Cheezi taunting Nguruma

Cheezi is a male hyena. He is the son of Ed and a member of Janja's Clan.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Thin and gaunt, Cheezi is skinnier and lankier than his fellow hyenas. He has albino fur, a silver mane, and a silver-tail tip. He has pink inner ears, a dark red nose, protruding canines, and red eyes with orange sclerae.


Very similar in personality to his father, Ed, Cheezi is easily excitable. He is not the brightest and is easily intimidated by his clan leader, Janja. Like Chungu, he doesn't always get Janja's plans, and can easily get riled up at the chance of getting a good meal, but will run with his tail between his legs when things go wrong.

History []


Cheezi was born to Ed. Eventually, he and another hyena, Chungu, befriended Janja, and joined her clan.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]


  • Father: Ed


  • Cheezi is voiced by Vargus Mason.