The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Absence of mind
Strength of Heart
A Friendly Lion
"Well . . . I can't quite recall."
Chechele, Strength of Heart

Chechele is a zebra mare and a Drylander.


Chelele's appearance differs little from that of a typical zebra. The black stripes on her white coat are well-spaced, neatly tapering towards her underbelly, which lacks stripes entirely. Her short tail only has a few thin stripes, and the tuft at the end of it is white at the base, fading to black. Her face, on the other hoof, is heavily striped with gently curving black streaks. Her ears are long and rounded at the tips, with magenta inside. She has bright green eyes that are large and set close together on her face. She has long, well-striped legs, even for a zebra, and a strong frame.


Chechele's personality does not stand out much. She is absent-minded and forgetful, seldom able to remember instructions, advice, and names. However, she is somewhat bolder than the rest of her herd, curious about other animals. She is sensitive and easily hurt, yet she is often blunt and inconsiderate towards others in what she says to them. She enjoys living in a herd and is fearful of being alone. She quite enjoys eating and is content to graze all day.


Early Life[]

Chechele was born and raised in her herd. She has never ventured from it and does not plan to.

Strength of Heart[]

Chechele is the only zebra in her herd to respond when Hodari asks about seeing a rogue lion. She explains that while going off to graze, she spotted eyes watching her in the grass and ran back to her herd, but not before seeing a bloodied muzzle. Hodari asks her where this happened, and she admits that she does not recall.
