Callie is an adult human woman who is almost unknown. She is the wife to Luis and the mother of Melissa and Collin. Like her daughter, she distrusted the Night Pride at first, but soon became good friends with them when they agreed to take Melissa in as their own daughter.
In terms of her appearance, Callie is slender and not as strong built as her husband, Luis. She has pale tan skin and hazel eyes. She looks almost identical to her daughter, Melissa.
Callie is a strong and independent woman who can almost always do things for herself. She is kind and reasonable as shown when she accepted Surak's offer to take Melissa in and raise her as his own. Callie is a caring and compassionate mother to her young ones and will go to great lengths to keep them safe, even give one of them up. She loves her kids and husband deeply and will do anything to protect them. Callie is also very sensitive, for example, when she realized she had to give up Melissa to the Night Pride, she was deeply devastated.
Despite her sensitivities, Callie is an emotionally strong woman who will take any risk.