The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Bupu is a male sable antelope that resides in the Pride Lands. He is the mate of Boboka, the father of Busara and Mzaha, and the leader of his own herd.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Bupu is a large, rotund, and powerfully built sable antelope with curved gray horns. His fur is dark grayish-brown, though his chest, face, and muzzle are cream-colored. The insides of his ears are gray, while the tips are black. His eyes are a very dark shade of blue.

Personality []

Sable antelope are renowned for their stubbornness, which Bupu displays in excess. Even in harrowing situations, he refuses to listen to reason and would rather do as his instincts dictate. He can be lazy and uncaring, though he does value the safety of his herd over his own desires. Despite this, Bupu values respect and will follow orders if spoken to in a polite manner.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Team Play[]

Bunga reports that Bupu and Boboka haven't seen Busara return to their grazing grounds since this morning. After Busara is rescued, he is reunited with his grateful parents at the watering hole.

Wildfire Emergency[]

Kion suggests that Kubariki's Clan and Fila's Coalition can live in Ndefu Grove with Laini, Bupu, and Tumbili until Mbali Fields can recover. Fila agrees, noting that Tumbili and Bupu are easily annoyed but will accept other animals, which Kubariki agrees with.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

At Pride Rock, Bupu questions if this gathering has anything to do with the meeting between the kingdoms, which Kion confirms. He reveals that Scar has returned, and shocked, Bupu asks what they'll do. Later, Bupu steps forward with Laini on his head at Chakula Plains, and Ma Tembo inquires as to where Kion needs the Pride Landers' help. Kion orders Laini and Bupu to go with Ono, Fuli, and Bunga to Lake Shangaza in order to rescue Masikio's Drove from Janja's Clan. Fuli asks if they have to say "please," making Bupu respond that she just did. Soon after, they return, and Bupu says that he and Laini must leave, heading in the direction of Urembo River. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Bupu is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. During the final battle, Fuli asks Bupu if she has to say please, and he replies that she just did.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Bupu is one of the many animals gathered at Pride Rock when the Lion Guard departs for the Tree of Life.



  • Bupu is voiced by Michael Dorn.