The Lion King Fanon Wiki
This is gonna be so much fun!
Binga, on being in charge of the Tree of Life

Binga is a female honey badger. She is the girlfriend of Bunga and a friend of Baliyo, Kion, Rani and Fuli.

Physical appearance[]

Binga is a lavender-colored honey badger with cyan-colored eyes. She has white hair on her arms, neck, and bangs that go over her face. Her nose is red, and her muzzle is a lighter purple color. Her stomach is darker purple, and she has black claws on all her feet. She also has black eyebrows.


She is mostly portrayed as enthusiastic, optimistic and fun-loving. Upon hearing that her, Bunga and Baliyo will be in charge of the Tree of Life while Kion and Rani go to meet Kopa, she is quite glad and excited about it. Her and Bunga, surprisingly, run the Tree of Life well with Baliyo while Kion and Rani are away.


  • She only appears in two chapters of Caldafox's first fanfic "Unexpected Love", Chapter 4 and the Epilogue.
    • Since then, she has not made a fanfic apppearance.
  • Her and Bunga always appear together.
  • BungaXBinga is a canonical Lion Guard pairing.
  • Binga's catchphrase is "Bingcredible!"