The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Bila, Chaka, and Checka

Bila, Chaka, and Checka are three jackal siblings who are members of Reirei's Pack. They are the children of Reirei and Goigoi and the siblings of Dogo and Kijana.

They are antagonists in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Bila is light brown with a paler tan muzzle, eyerims, chest, belly, and paws. She has purplish-black patches on her head, back, and tail-tip and grayish-tan splotches on her back. She has tan inner ears with a darker tan near the center, a black nose, and purple eye with rosy-white sclerae.

Chaka has the same appearance as his sister, except he has streaky gray dots and black spotting on his face, in addition to generally darker features. He has dark teal eyes.

Checka resembles his brother. He has a black stripe on his face extending to a large patch on his flank spotted with cream, as well as a black tail-tip. His muzzle, chest, underbelly, and paws are cream in color, and he has dual-toned pale brown inner ears, gray rimmed eyes, a gray nose, and fern-colored eyes with white sclerae.


All three are clever and masters of stealth and trickery. They like to handle things their own way, and by themselves. They have a deep sense of humor.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, he assigns Reirei's Pack and Kiburi's Float to take over Mizimu Grove. Their crossing of the border gets the attention of Zazu, who tells Simba, and he says that the Lion Guard needs to be informed. When Kion is told by Zazu, he orders Fuli and Beshte to take care of the jackals and crocodiles. However, it becomes clear that the two are overwhelmed there, and Zazu informs Simba. Concerned, he instructs Jivin, Rani, and Baliyo to help them. During the battle, Bila lunges at Rani, causing her to collapse onto the ground, but Jivin charges into her. Bila then tries to retalitate, and Jivin swats her backwards with a paw. Later, Bila, Chaka, and Checka face off with Kicheko, Kopa, and Tatu. Suddenly, Azaad and Fuli arrive, blinding Reirei's Pack in their wake. With them distracted, Kion, Azaad, Fuli, Mhina, and Mhina's siblings head to Pride Rock while Ono retrieves the rest of the Lion Guard.



  • Bila is voiced by Alex Cartañá. Her brothers are voiced by Khary Payton.