The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Bianca is an oddly plump lion with an strange name. She's very new to the outlands and doesn't seem to know much about how lions live, dispite being a lion herself. She has a strange scent to her (peanut butter).


Bianca was born and raised at a zoo in Quebec, Canada, near Montreal, with her mother and father, Blossom and Rocky, two rescue lions. She was popular there, and loved living there. When she reached an adolescent age, the zookeepers took her and her out of the zoo and sent her off, but left her brothers, Star, Skip, & Snip, since she was the only one who seemed ready to go into the wild. She had a tracking collar when she first arrived in the savannahs, but she had to break it to save herself from dying after falling in the river and breaking it. She was also microchipped but doesn't know. Bianca didn't understand prides or hunting well, so she survived of of the pickings she found lying around, which she actually retained her weight from. Ayubu found her and was shocked that she knew barely anything. She took Bianca to her band of prideless lions, and let her live there, which is where she met Mwatabu. She didn't really care much for Mwatabu's vengance plan. Soon after she heard of it she left the band of rogues for another with her crush, Tia, in it, called The Scrappers because of their scavenger nature.


Bianca is a plumb grey lion with darker grey underfur. She has a narrower muzzle and strange dark brown eyes with a navy blue ring around the edges, that sometimes appears more grey. She has diamond-like markings on her shoulders, and a few scars. There is a hole taken out of her right ear. She often wears a blue flower and a dark blue feather.


Bianca is pretty chill when she's not bothered. She has a short temper, dispite being so lazy. She seems like a lion version of a tomboy, and likes collecting objects. She tends to either say too much or too little, but there's no inbetween for her. She sleeps most of the day, but when she's awake, she's often daydreaming or zoning out, or wishing that she was still asleep. Ayubu is not fond of her behavior.







Mwatabu and Bianca are friendly toward each other, though they're not really that close.


Tia and Bianca are very awkward around each other. Bianca has a crush on Tia, though she's too shy to admit it.

Kamari (The Distant Call)[]

Kamari is Bianca's best friend. They're very close and treat each other as siblings, and share the same bond. They often tease each other about crushes and other things.


Ayubu often got mad at Bianca, but misses her.

Blossom and Rocky[]

Blossom and Rocky are Bianca's parents, and she misses them very much. They used to sit together a lot and spend time as a family.

Star, Skip, & Snip[]

Star, Skip, & Snip are Bianca's brothers. They used to play together all the time, until Bianca was sent into the wild. She misses them a lot.


  • Bianca was originally a Lion King version of User:Ashenpaw before becoming an OC
  • Bianca's name was originally Bakari, meaning "noble promise"
  • She is under consideration of getting a new name
  • Bianca's favourite food when she lived in captivity was peanut butter

See Also[]


