The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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EBA's Fanon has been around for a fair bit of time.

However, due to multiple flaws in the story, it's being rewritten.
Updates to the story have officially begun as of September 8th, 2024.
There is no estimate for when the updates will conclude.

This page has not been fully updated to reflect the changes.
Some information on this page may be outdated, incomplete, or missing.
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Bhaaloo is a male bear. He was the main antagonist in EBA's Fanon up until his redemption in Bhaaloo's Revenge. He currently resides in the Pride Lands.


EBA's Fanon[]

1 - Long Lost Prince[]

See, I told you, "How hard can it be?"
―Bunga, on Bhaaloo

Bhaaloo attacked 3 foxes outside the Tree of Life. Later, he attacked Kopa outside the Tree of Life. The Night Pride showed up afterwards, and Bhaaloo ran off without engaging in a battle.

5 - Return of the Guard[]

Oh right, I forgot, the Tree of Life burnt to the ground. Bye bye home.
―Bhaaloo, on the Tree of Life

While Bhaaloo was attempting to attack a cheetah named Duma, the Night Pride showed up. During the battle, he noticed Tai flying away from the Tree of Life. One of Bunga's stink bombs sent him running afterwards.

Later, he teases the Lion Guard about the fire at the Tree of Life. After Rani's roar sends him to the Back Lands, his conversation with Tai reveals that they were responsible for the fire.

14 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight[]

Well, I guess if it's ground you want... Then it's ground you'll get.
―Bhaaloo, to Kion

Bhaaloo is spotted on top of Mekundu Cliffs. When the Lion Guard confront him, Tai knocked Kion to the ground. Bhaaloo pushed Kion over the cliffs. Rani used the Roar of the Elders to send him flying.

Later, when he discovers Kion is fine, he confronts Kion and asks how he is still here. After Bhaaloo leaves, he is followed by Rani to ensure he doesn't harm the king or queen.

25 - Bhaaloo the Pride Lander[]

I lived my whole life thinking Kovu was the reason Shenzi died, when in reality, Shenzi made a terrible mistake...

After Bhaaloo is chased out of the Pride Lands, he talks with Tai about the final attack. A flashback begins showing the day Bhaaloo and Tai met in Zunguka Badlands. Nyuni overhears this conversation and alerts Kion of Bhaaloo's plans.

Later, Bhaaloo starts a battle with Kovu, who has asked the Lion Guard not to intervene. During the battle, Kovu and Kopa convince Bhaaloo that Kovu did nothing wrong. Bhaaloo is forgiven and is welcomed to the Pride Lands.

Habari's Guard[]

Episode 1[]

Aw, Hurungi found Bhaaloo. Guess Bhaaloo's hiding spot wasn't good enough.

While each member of Habari's Lion Guard are training, Janja instructs Hurungi to find Bhaaloo. Once she finds Bhaaloo in Ndefu Grove, Bhaaloo instructs her to return to Kion.


Bhaaloo is the self-proclaimed bravest animal there is. Bhaaloo is never afraid to turn down a fight. He is quick to point out when others have failed. Despite all of this, Bhaaloo is never afraid to admit when he is up against a challenge. Bhaaloo gets angry whenever his plans fail. Bhaaloo doesn't forgive easily, but he does listen to reason, and is willing to forgive in exceptional circumstances.

Bhaaloo speaks slowly, and sometimes sarcastically. He has excellent memory. Bhaaloo is smart, and always plans way ahead. He doesn't let unexpected events interfere with his plans.


  • Bhaaloo (भालू) is a Hindi word. In English, it means "bear".
  • "Bhaaloo" is pronounced "bha-loo" in Hindi. However, Bhaaloo's name is pronounced "bah-low".
  • Bhaaloo was raised in the Outlands. However, a Hindi name was still chosen for him, instead of a Swahili name.
    • The story reason: Bhaaloo was born at the Tree of Life. His parents neglected him however, and he fled to the Outlands.
    • The actual reason: Bhaaloo was initially only going to appear once, and he would have been local to the Tree of Life area. When that changed, the name was kept.
  • Bhaaloo often refers to himself in the third person.