The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Beshte is a male hippopotamus who resides at the Tree of Life. He formerly lived in the Pridelands. He is the strongest of the Night Pride. He was formerly of the Lion Guard. He is the son of Basi. His friends are Kion, Fuli, Bunga, Ono and Anga.


Beshte is plump, has pinky grey skin and blue eyes. His lower jaw and underbelly is lighter in colour. He has a small purple hair tuft on the top of his head. As he ages, the hair of tuft grows bigger.


One of the most popular animals in the Pride Lands, Beshte has a kind-hearted nature that never seems to run dry. His friendliness extends to everyone, as he acts like a big brother to the younger members of his pod, a friend to animals of all different species, and a protector of the Pride Lands at large.

Despite being a teasing character, Beshte is surprisingly sensitive, being especially tactful when his friend Kion is unable to use the Roar of the Elders. He is also the first of his friends to recognize that Kion needs some space, even pointing out to Bunga, Kion's best friend, what the cub needs. For an animal so large and full of life, Beshte has an appropriately large heart and never fails to treat his friends with kindness.

When it comes to the Lion Guard and the Night Pride, Beshte is willing to do the hard work. His bravery is undeniable as he charges headfirst into battle, following Kion's orders without question. Though his nature is one of compassion and gentleness, he can be a force to contend with and will not stand for the Circle of Life being thrown out of balance. Beshte's principles are important to him, and he will fight tooth and nail to do what is right.

For all his good qualities, Beshte does have a flaw or two. He is very friendly, likes to socialize and be helpful, and this has actually caused problems for him (and others), such as when he shot the breeze with Mbeya when he was supposed to be asking for directions, and when he got distracted helping smaller animals when he was supposed to be making the Hippo Lanes.


-His name means "Buddy" in Swahili
