The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Beshte is a male hippopotamus. He formally served as the strongest in Kion's Lion Guard, and now lives at the Tree of Life.

Physical appearance[]

Beshte is a neutral gray color, with a paler jawline and underbelly. He is stout with thick legs, dark gray-purple toenails, and three dark spots on his back. His inner ears are pale pink, as well as the rings around his indigo-colored eyes. He has a dark tuft of hair on his head that grows with age. He has a short tail and is very strongly-built and muscular.


Beshte is a friendly, understanding, enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky, kind, encouraging and outgoing hippopotamus. He speaks with a soft demeanor and highly enjoyed being in the Lion Guard. He will bravely charge into a fight to use his strength to help his team, but is also tender-hearted and easily moved during emotional moments. His feelings are sometimes hurt easily, but is very reliable and a loyal friend.


  • His name means "buddy".
  • Beshte is sometimes scatter-brained, forgetting things mid-conversation.
  • He wiggles his ears when he's happy.
  • He knew most everyone in the Pride Lands and was well-esteemed by most all, although his niceness was sometimes taken for granted.
  • Beshte will gladly help out in any situation, whether it be resolving a conflict or giving physical aid in a sticky situation.
  • He has three catchphrases:
    • "Twende kiboko!" - translates to "Let's go hippo."
    • "Poa" translates to "cool" (both in Swahili)
    • "What's the kerbubble?" (said when something unusual comes up)
  • He is well acquainted with Yun Mibu.