The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Twende kiboko!
―Beshte's catchphrase

Beshte is a teenage male hippopotamus. He is the son of Basi and Zuwena, the older brother of Kiazi and Salehe, and a member of Basi's Pod. He serves as the strongest member on the Lion Guard.

He is a main character in Legends of the Lion Guard.



As a infant, not much about Beshte changes, except that he's smaller. 


Beshte's coat is pale gray, broken by a patch of dark spots on his back. The Mark of the Guard is imprinted on his left shoulder. His eyes are blue.

Teenager []

As a teenager, his tuft of hair gets bigger and he starts to show small whiskers, similar to his father.


Beshte has been described as a happy-go-lucky and enthusiastic hippopotamus. He is the most genial character in the group, and is very kind, friendly, encouraging, and outgoing. He speaks with a surprisingly soft demeanor despite his size, and is happy to be part of the Lion Guard. When trouble is afoot, he shows tremendous strength and courage and does not hesitate to charge enemies. He is a bit scatterbrained, and sometimes forgets things mid-conversation. It doesn't take much for him to get quite temperamental and emotional, and he is easily moved by touching moments. He is noted to be extremely authoritative, trustworthy, and reliable in the sense that he doesn't make things up, and knows that he can count on the other members of the Lion Guard. He is also very sympathetic and demonstrative towards the fears, worries, or troubles of others. Like Kion and Nguruma, Beshte despairs at the thought of letting his father down.



Beshte was born in the Pride Lands to Basi and Zuwena. As he grew up, he hung out with Kion and his friends, and was often told tales of the Pride Lands by his father. Basi gave him advice on what to do if anything ever happened to him, and how to help out the rest of the pod. When he became older, Kion selected Beshte to be the strongest on his Guard, a role which he quickly accepted. Beshte defended the Pride Lands and easily defeated his enemies, despite being prone to sunburn at times. Later, Beshte gained two siblings, Kiazi and Salehe. He also formed a friendship with Mtoto, the son of Ma Tembo and Zito, and often gave him advice and comforted him when he was down. Beshte is known across the Pride Lands for his kindness, and his friendship with Bunga.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

A Celebration in the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Team Play[]

The New Heroes[]

Nguruma and the Bully[]

Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]

An Enemy In Trouble[]

An Unknown Threat[]

A Fragile Hope[]

Mhina's Tale[]

Felines on the Run[]

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Wildfire Emergency[]

A Remedy for Impatience[]

The Young Leader[]

The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]

The Lost Treasure of the South Lands[]

Mahuluti's Mission[]

Stuck in a Blizzard[]

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

An Enjoyable Sleepover[]

Fuli the Babysitter[]

The Story of Mbweha and Reirei[]

A Mother's Day Party![]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]



  • Beshte is voiced by Dusan Brown.