The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The relationships of Beba in Caldafox's fanfics.


Swifty is Beba's father. He shared many of the same traits his father had as a young cub. Swifty didn't want his son to be as boastful as him, however, and advised him to be less arrogant. The father and son spent a lot of time together as Beba was growing up, and Beba still loves to be with his father.


Afua and Beba became fast friends when the lion cub was impressed with Beba's great physical abilities. This put a hamper in Kopa and Afua's friendship. After they settled things out, Beba and Afua remained friends, and enjoy hanging out even as adults.


At first, Kopa was angry and jealous towards Beba, because he took his best friend away. But his anger died down when him and Afua sorted things out, and as adults Beba and Kopa enjoy each others' company.

Beba and Boga


Boga is one of Beba's other cubhood friends. They are both alike in ways: spunky, teasing and playful. They enjoy hanging out and are good hunters.

Beba is also good friends with Boga's brother, Babu.
