Beauty Spot is a former Outsider lioness. She is a friend of Vitani's.
Physical appearance[]
Beauty Spot is a light-gray colored lioness with a dark magenta nose. She has yellow eyes and a much rounder head than several other Outsiders. She is named for a small spot on the left side of her chin. Her muzzle, stomach, chest and paws are a lighter gray color.
Beauty Spot is sweet, friendly, understanding and social. She enjoys hanging out with friends and is good with cubs. She also forgives easily and is respectful.
- She was named by fans in 2004.
- She is one of several fan-named lionesses.
- Several other lionesses resemble her, but none have the same speck on her chin.
- Beauty Spot often takes care of Kasi's daughter, Kamaria, while Kasi is out doing Lion Guard duties.
- Scruffy also helps Beauty Spot take care of Kamaria.