The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Bats are animals that appear in The Lion King universe.


Botswanan long-eared bats are nocturnal mammals of the order Chiroptera. Their forelimbs have webbed wings, making them the only mammals truly capable of flight. They let out chirps that bounce back to them from their environment or insects that serve as potential prey, a talent owned by all bats called echolocation.

Botswanan long-eared bats are brown to black in color.

Diadem leaf-nosed bats are found in Australia and most of Southeast Asia. In breeding season, males fight in skirmishes while females congregate in a massive group to give birth to one offspring. The bat is adapted to fast flight, and like other bat species, uses echolocation to locate prey. They live in woodlands and forests, roosting in caves, mines, hollow trees, and on branches. Rarely do they attack humans, and although their bite is painful and carries parasites, most have no effect.

Named for its anterior nose leaf, diadem leaf-nosed bats have large ears and a sac posterior to the nose. Body lengths can be up to six to ten centimeters; the entire body, sans the limbs, is covered in brown fur. The underbelly is paler, and white spots are present on the shoulder region. The average bat weighs from thirty-five to fifty grams, with wingspan totaling fifteen to twenty-two centimeters. Both the forelimbs and hind limbs possess claws. The feet have two phalanges, and the tail is enclosed.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes bats, add it to this list.

