The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Basi is a male hippopotamus who resides at the Pridelands. He is the leader of his pod and he is the father of Beshte.


Basi has brownish grey skin and blue eyes. His under jaw and under is lighter in colour. He has brown toenails and darker shade spots on his back. His ears are pink and his teeth are white.


Basi is a wise hippopotamus, who shares many words of wisdom with the members of the Lion Guard. Much like his son, he has a very friendly disposition, and is quick to forgive Makuu despite all of the problems he caused. He also seems to be extremely indefatigable and persistent about what he does even if he's hurt. Also, much like Kion's father, Simba, Basi is very encouraging and supportive of his son, who he has tremendous pride and faith in. He also teaches him many saying that Beshte likes to recite from time to time.


Son: Beshte


-His name means "Enough" in Swahili
