The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Prince Baliyo is a male Asiatic lion. He is a prince of the Tree of Life and a member of the Night Pride. He is the son of Princess Ãnanda and Prince Sãhasí, and the younger brother of Queen Rani.


Baliyo has brown fur, blue eyes, darker brown mane and pink nose. His underbelly, muzzle and paws are a tan colour. His mane got streaks of lighter brown. Baliyo’s ear rims are rimmed with black and brown. As a cub and teenager, he has spots on his hind and front, but they disappeared when he reached adulthood. He has small darker flecks under his eyes. His mark of the Night Pride is an orange colour.


Baliyo possesses a cheerful energy that contrasts with his sister Rani’s more serious nature. He is energetic and impetuous, often throwing himself into dangerous situations that require the intervention of his teammates.

In times of trial, Baliyo is avoidant, preferring to ignore his problems. However, when pushed, he values his family members over his own comforts.

As a member of the Night Pride, Baliyo is tenacious and hard-working. Even when fatigued, he accomplishes tasks to the best of his ability and proves to be a formidable fighter.


Mother: Ãnanda

Father: Sãhasí

Sister: Rani

Brother in law: Kion

Nephews: Raja and Moto II

Niece: Janya

Uncle: Surak

Aunt: Nirmala

Cousins: Adri and Himal

Grandmother: Janna

Grandfather: Bodhi

Great-Grandmother: Anika

Great-Grandfather: Tavish


-His name means "Strong" in Nepali
