The Lion King Fanon Wiki

These are the relationships of Baliyo in Caldafox's fanfics. Not all his canon relationships are shown.


Rani and Baliyo

Rani is Baliyo's older sister. The two are very close, caring for each other deeply. Rani trusts Baliyo greatly, but will correct him if he gets out of line. He prefers to call Rani "older sister" instead of "big sister", because Baliyo is taller than Rani.


Baliyo is Kion's brother-in-law. The two are good friends, and Kion trusts Baliyo enough to temporarily put him in charge, and he also heeds Baliyo's advice. Although they had a bad first meeting, attacking one another, they soon grew more trustworthy of one another, and soon were loyal friends.


Bunga is a good friend of Baliyo. They met when Kion and his Lion Guard came to the Tree of Life to seek healing for Ono and Kion. They had a bad first meeting, with the Night Pride assuming the Lion Guard to be a threat, but soon were well acquainted. They both like to have fun.


Baliyo, Bunga and Binga

Binga is a good friend of Baliyo. They have known each other for a while. Baliyo introduced the female honey badger to Bunga, contributing to their falling in love.

When Kion puts Bunga and Binga in charge of the Tree of Life while him and Rani are away, Baliyo knows they might be distracted easily while taking charge. Kion decides to also put Baliyo in charge with them.

Tiifu and Zuri[]

At Vitani and Kopa's wedding that is held at the Tree of Life, Kiara's cubhood friends develop crushes on Baliyo. He is weirded out by their flirting and is unaware of why they develop crushes on him so quickly. Later on, Tiifu's crush on Baliyo grows, while Zuri mostly just teases her friend about it occasionally.

Tiifu has a dream later on about being with Baliyo. She was the first to notice him at Kopa and Vitani's wedding.
