The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Bakaree is a male tahr kid who resides at the Tree of Life. He is a member of Cek's Flock. He is the son of Cek and Rama.


Bakaree's pelt is brown with a darker shade for his back, forehead and muzzle. His legs are a very dark brown. Also, his underbelly is cream. His tiny horns are cream. His inner ears are a lighter shade of brown. His eyes are dark teal.


Bakaree is small but friendly. When he first found out about the old queen, Janna's death he truly was devastated and teared up a lot. Fortunately his mother was able to calm him down a little by nuzzling his head affectionately and assuring him that all will be alright. Because she was there to soothe him, he recovers fully from his grief later on when Rani becomes the new queen succeeding Janna, her old and wise grandmother. He loves his mother Rama very much and likes to cuddle and play.


Mother: Rama

Father: Cek


-His name means "Goat" in Hinduism
