"Oh come on now. If there's on thing I can't stand, It's LAST MINUTE HEROICS!"
-Badili after his true nature is revealed.
Badili is a male African Leopard and a recurring character in Hueyslingers War of the Pridelands Trilogy, first appearing in A Hyena's Tale (Fanfic) as a minor character and returning in Kion's Tale and The Final Tale, where his true nature is revealed.
A Hyena's Tale (Fanfic)[]
Badili first appears as he's sleeping in Mirihi Forest when a fire starts, followed by the Army of Scar.
He is later seen reporting this to Katali.
Kion's Tale[]
Badili is first seen at the Hearing of the Lion Guard when they come to the Backlands. He tells the king Scar Snout of when they helped him stand up to Mapigano, which led to said Leopard becoming a better Leopard. He later slips away without anyone noticing.
Another fire breaks out in Mirihi forest by cause of Dry Lightning. He calls to the Lion Guard, and they come. Ono flies up to him and tells him to jump, as the others had cleared a spot for him. He leaps down, and as Mirihi Forest is destroyed, Badili wants to repay the Lion Guard by showing them a quick passage back to the Pridelands.
What they don't know is, before the fire, Scar comes before Badili in the clouds, and tells him to lure the Lion Guard to where his Army is waiting. In return, Badili would not be destroyed along with the Backlands.
Eventually, Badili is exposed by Nabii and Chewa, and he lashes out by biting Beshte on the Back, enough time for Zira and the rest of the Army showing up to take over.
The Final Tale[]
Badili watches as The Pridelanders and Backlanders escape the Outlanders. He plans on turning the other Backlands against Nabii by feigning innocence. As he is about to rush of to do such, he is intercepted by Django, Barbatus and Rookus, who had overheard his plot ad plan on bringing him before Scar Snout.
When the Pridelanders and Backlanders regroup the next morning, Badili tries to slip away but is stopped by Simba.
Later on, during a great hearing, Scar Snout banishes Badili from the Backlands. When the Leopard tries to reason with him, Scar Snout roars at him to leave, which he does with no hesitation.