The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Back Landers are animals who live in the Back Lands. All are ruled by their king and queen, Chifu and Wimbo, with the exception of the zebras, who are ruled by Dhahabu and Suhuba.

They are minor characters in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

The Back Landers attend the Pride Lands Games, and Mshale's Guard competes in it. They are later disqualified and shelter in Chakula Plains for the night.

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Both monarchies of the Back Lands, along with their Lion Guard, Kumbutana, Almasi, Bukali, and Mzunguko, arrive in the Pride Lands and attend the Royal Summit.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

The Back Landers learn from Chifu that Scar has returned, and he affirms that they will help the Pride Landers. Mshale's Lion Guard then splits up the Back Landers into teams for training. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, the Back Landers are part of the crowd gathered at the base of Pride Rock.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Makucha's Leap spies on the Lion Guard as they travel to the Tree of Life. After hearing of the rare animals living at the Tree, Makucha reveals to his leap that they're going to follow the Lion Guard, and they pledge their loyalty to him.



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Other Members[]


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Cape Dogs[]

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Former Members[]

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