The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Babu is a male lion. He is the son of Mega and Sabini and the brother of Boga. He is also a childhood friend of Kopa.

Physical appearance[]

Babu is a light yellow colored male lion with blue eyes, which he gets from his mother. He has an orange mane as an adult that ends in fluffy bangs over his head. His muzzle, chest and paws are white. His tail tip is also orange.


As a cub, Babu loved to laugh and sometimes teased his friends and sister. When he grew up he became a little more serious and was annoyed by his sister's tendency to tease him (which he kinda had coming from all the times he did so as a cub). He stopped being as playful after Kopa ran away, and was glad to see him alive when he returned.

Canon Info[]

Babu appears in the Six New Adventures book "Vulture Shock". He laughs at Kopa for his belief that a family tree is an actual tree with leaves and fruit.


  • His name means "grandfather" in Swahili.
  • He gets embarrassed sort of easily.
  • Babu is a good stalker of prey.
  • He admires Tazama for her keen eyesight.