Azola is the daughter of Nula and Terdan. She is the younger sister of Nila. Her aunt is Zira. She is the mate of Kuzimu, and the mother of Liza.

Azola was born to Nula and Terdan, a rogue lion. She was born a few months after Nila was born. She knew Simba for a short while before Simba ran away. After Scar became King, Nula decided to leave the Pridelands. The tree lionesses wondered around for a long time, before Terdan came back and wanted Nula to kill Azola and Nila, and become his mate. Nula refused, so Terdan killed Nila and Nula. Azola was almost killed in this fight. Azola's ear was torn, leaving a notch similar to her aunt Zira.
Azola later grew up to form an army of Jackals, and killed Terdan. Terdan had another mate named Zielli, with who he fathered Jynx. She then became the mate of Kuzimu, another rogue. Kuzimu and Azola had many still born cubs and miscarages. Later they had a daughter named Leza. Leza was a bit weak, but Azola was fine with that. She decided that Leza would need a lot of food to survive, so she exiled the jackals, and killed Kuzimu, and had Leza eat Kuzimu. This cycle went on with Zielli and Jynx. Later Leza grew into an adult. Leza and Azola then returned to the Pridelands and joined Scar's army.