The relationships of Azaad in Caldafox's fanfics.

Azaad is very loyal to his mate. They at first had a rough meeting, when Fuli wandered into Azaad's territory looking for tuliza, but during their rematch race, Fuli saved Azaad from falling off a cliff, and Azaad became much more friendly with her. After they reunited several episodes (weeks or months) later, both cheetahs were equally glad to see each other again. They developed feelings for each other as they journeyed to the Pride Lands with Janja, Jasiri and the rest of the Lion Guard.
At Kion and Rani's wedding, Azaad confessed his feelings for Fuli, and she confessed hers too. They are loyal mates who love to race and be together. A little while later, they had one daughter named Penda.
Kion and Azaad are good friends, becoming acquainted during the journey back to the Pride Lands. Kion, Rani, Fuli and Azaad all hang out together frequently.
Azaad and Rani are good friends. They met when Azaad came to the Tree of Life after an "unexpected fall" to recover from his injury. Azaad is respectful of Rani's title as the Queen of the Tree of Life, and she is hospital towards him.
Fuli's friends[]
Azaad is on friendly terms with Bunga, Beshte, Ono and Anga, who made up the Lion Guard along with Kion and Fuli. Bunga was the first of Fuli's friends to meet Azaad, while Beshte was the first to notice Fuli and Azaad's feelings for one another. The former Lion Guard, Azaad, Penda and Rani often hang out together when they aren't busy helping other animals.
Azaad and Fuli wanted to come with Kion when he told them he was going on a trip to meet his older brother. Both Fuli and Azaad are nice to Kopa upon meeting him, and hope he will find his place in the circle of life - which he does. All three are now on friendly terms.

Penda is Fuli and Azaad's only daughter. Like her parents, she loves to run and race, and she also has a prideful streak that they both had when they were young. Azaad tries to get his daughter to be less boastful, but does give her much freedom.