The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Asante is the leader of her cackle and a friend of Simba's cousin, Kopa. She also has a sister named Karibu who helps her cackle quite a bit.


After meeting Kopa for the first time, she got a good idea: what if she could create a group where even the most unwanted misfits and outsiders could feel respected? Well, that's what she had done, and the result is seen for yourself. It's not a terribly big group, but it is there nonetheless.


Much like Dutch she is quippy, but a little more sarcastic at times. She prefers to work with a partner if she is not alone, She is understanding of others, and is available to help in most situations, whether it be a question, or something else. She can be a good help in combat, as she knows from her survival skills due to the Outlands harsh conditions and residents.


Asante is a spotted hyena adorned with many spots and some stripes on her back. Her mussel is clean with no lining. Her two back teeth jut out of her mouth when it is closed. She also has thick bangs on her head. Much like Dutch, her belly is of a tan color.
