Asali is a male jackal. He is the mate of Spishi and the father of Eleza.
Asali is a jackal with tan fur in a darker shade than his mate's. His back and tail tip are black, with four pale white spots near his shoulder. He has a bushy tail that is very skinny at the base. The fur along his back is long and scruffy, and his cheeks are distinctively rounder than Spishi's.
His muzzle is long, thicker towards his nose, with a few teeth protruding from his lower lip. Asali's ears are both clipped, one of them having a small hole near the top, and his nose is dark brown. He has bushy black eyebrows, and several strands of fur stick up atop his head and hang down on his lower jaw. Three deep brown speckles are present on each side of his nose.
Asali, at times, can be very sassy and loud-mouthed. He can also be very impatient and bossy. But, like most fathers, he deeply cares for his daughter and is very protective and slightly obsessive over her. He is also brave, while sometimes incompetent. Nonetheless, he is loyal to his family and will never abandon them.