The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Are You Faster Than a Lion? is a fanfiction short written by MarioFan65. The short is about Mody and Dacey taking a walk in the Pride Lands while discussing life before being encountered by a lion named Simba. It was released on February 24, 2023.



(At the Pride Lands, two meerkats named Mody and Dacey are taking a walk in the Pride Lands while discussing about life with the two brothers heading to the path of the savanna)

  • Mody: What a day in the Pride Lands. Taking a break from the oasis and hanging out in the wild with the boars.
  • Dacey: Guess what? I'm no longer interested in Tatiana.
  • Mody: Not anymore? Jeez, I bet you never find a girl you love in the wild.
  • Dacey: I just keep on trying, but they weren't interested in me.
  • Mody: It's like in this old song in the colony where you have to dig a tunnel before the hyenas come.
  • Dacey: That's what the slogan and motto say in the description.
  • Mody: Same old colony.
  • Dacey: Same old song. *encounter Simba* Whoa. Is that a lion?
  • Mody: He looks angry to me.
  • Dacey: He look as fierce as a jaguar.
  • Mody: I never expect a lion to growl like that.
  • Simba: *growl* Move out of the way.
  • Dacey: Easy there fella. I bet you're not hungry for some grubs at the jungle.
  • Mody: He doesn't know what we're saying.
  • Simba: *act fierce* Back off.
  • Dacey: I have no comment to say.
  • Mody: Do you think you're faster than a lion?
  • Dacey: Not really. But he is faster than you.
  • Mody: Might as well, make a run for.
  • Dacey: Right behind you. *run with Mody by screaming*
  • Simba: *roar while chasing Mody and Dacey* Come back here!
  • Mody: We're gonna be lunch on the menu!
  • Dacey: Somebody make us a hole!
  • Simba: You're mine!

(Simba chase Mody and Dacey all over the Pride Lands as the zebras, giraffes, crocodiles and elephants watch them run 'til the end of the day)



  • The short is based on the Asics commercial where two African Americans are walking in a field before being chased by a lion.