Andra meaning strong and courageous this one is the leader of the Magicorn herd. Andra will talk with several of the Pride Landers who can feel quite lonely even though they respect the circle of life, such as how soon elephants feel lonely. Andra will also listen to sea creatures and keep the water clean, and if it's a sensible solution to what's going on then Andra will use her magic horn and soften the heart of the one who recently caused some trouble. And with being a magicorn Andra is willing to listen to rodents and using her horn to form new plants the small and big herbivores can share.
This type of unicorn so respectful Andra even respects those like Jasiri's clan, and other creatures like the Griffins. For balance of nature she'll even listen to the powerful animals like the magical fox species to help justice last between the magical and the natural
Andra has a white coat, her mane and tail are pale yellow, her hoofs are a dark gray, her eyes are a blue like the shade called perwinkle
Andra is social, caring, sensible, compassionate, loyal, strong, courageous during her good times, but when facing enemies she's one who reacts like a feisty character she talks fussy when facing enemies, if it's the only way to solve the problem an enemy caused Andra does her best to act cunning. But whether in trouble or not this Magicorn leader is always considerate and cautious.