The Lion King Fanon Wiki

"If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do."

Simba nuzzled his young daughter as he said these words to her. Somehow this situation felt vaguely familiar... hadn't he said these words before, or at least ones similar to them?

As Simba tried to explain to his daughter the danger of her recent disobedience, she soon grew tired of the conversation of the Circle of Life. To snap her out of her annoyance, Simba gently nudged Kiara off the rock she was sitting on. She slid to the ground, dandelions scattering everywhere.

Her tail tip wound up on top of her forehead, making her look like she had a mane tuft.

For a split second, Simba looked at his daughter in shock of her resemblance... but then proceeded to grin at her, and she smiled back.

Although the father and daughter had a grand time performing the musical sequence "We Are One", when his daughter went to sleep that night, Simba thought briefly again of the moment which happened just before the song.

Simba sighed to himself as he lay down in Pride Rock. How Kiara reminded him of Kopa, his older son who had run away months ago. He hoped that she would never get so angry at her parents like her brother had done...

Although Kiara had several rough moments with her father, she never ran away from her family for too long. What a relief her life was to her father... and even more of a relief when Kopa returned home.

