Ajabu is an evil male lion. He is the son of Choyo and Mackenzie. He is the older brother of Tanglemane and Joka/Joe.He is also the mate of Bianca, and the father of Manukataro, Zira and Nula. One day, he fought and killed Manukataro, getting part of his ear torn by Bianca in the process. He killed Bianca and tore Zira's ear so se looked more like him. He was later killed by Taka/Scar when he set his cobra companion Duncan to give him a scar. Duncan had already given Ajabu a scar, but Taka used the roar and killed Duncan and Ajabu, which Zira later found out, and she started to see Taka as a hero. Nula and Zira later joined the Pridelands.

Ajabu and Scar