Ajabu is a adult male okapi. He is the mate of Aziza and the leader of a herd of okapis in Leopon Plains.
He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.
Ajabu's build is much like that of a gazelle's, as he has the same thin legs, long neck, and strong upper body. His main pelt is a dark shade of brown, while the stripes on his legs, an arrow marking on his forehead, and the sides of his face are pure white. At the very tip of his muzzle, Ajabu has gray fur, and patches of black can be found on his ear rims and his legs. Both his mane and tail-tip are dark brown in color, and his eyes are a swampy green with pale yellow sclerae. His hooves are silver-gray.
Ajabu is shy and skittish as a result of having been hunted by leopards his entire life. He is hesistant to trust new animals and always errs on the side of caution. This lifestyle has molded him into a skilled and stealthy hider to the point that he is able to vanish from sight within seconds. Once befriended, Ajabu is friendly and well-mannered, as well as more playful and willing to show off his skills and talents. He puts a great deal of trust in his friends and is appreciative of their charity and loyalty.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
- Ajabu is voiced by Ron Funches.