Props to chisel for the awesome design.
Role in the series[]
Due to her debut being held back until fall of the outsiders, aibu hasn't had much screen time yet. however, it's possible that she'll have a big role in the rise of scar special.
Aibu is a young jackal pup about the age of tukio. she has brown fur and black fur on her tail, mane(if jackal's have those), and her back. she also has a dark brown nose, and light brown feet.
Aibu is rather shy and can often be seen as tukio's opposite. despite this, she is rather kind and gentle, and wants to make friends as easily as her brother.
Father-goi goi(deceased)
Mother-rei rei(deceased)
Brothers-tukio, dogo, unknown brothers
Fears/likes and dislikes/friends and enemies[]
Likes-peace, her brother tukio, friends, bunga(hinted in fall of the outsiders)
Dislikes-evil, her brother dogo, being a wussy.
Friends-tukio, kion, bunga, jasiri, fuli, ono, beshte, simba, nala, mtoto, vijana, kudiyan, omaiga, uzima, mwaminifu, kovu, vitani.
Enemies-dogo, janja, cheezi, chungu, zira, the outsiders
1. Aibu seems to be a lot less identical to tukio, as she's rather shy, and not as social or as hungry for adventure as he is. despite this, she wants to be more social like him.
2. It's possible that aibu is seconds younger then tukio, as he's much more adventurous then her.
3. In the episode fall of the outsiders, it's hinted that she and bunga have affection for one another.