The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Written by: Caldafox

AfuaXSpotty cover


Dotty and Spotty were hanging out in the shade. Nearby, Kopa and Vitani were finishing a meet-up with Afua, one of Kopa's childhood friends. This was the first time Vitani had met Afua.

"Who's that?" Spotty asked, looking over at Kopa's friend.

"That's Afua." Dotty said. She looked closely at the expression on her sister's face.

"He's a brother of Kondo." Dotty finished. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing." Spotty answered, trying to turn her gaze away from the lion.

"Do you like him?" Dotty asked.

"Maybe." Spotty answered.

"Why don't you go over there and introduce yourself?" Dotty asked. "Never hurts to try."

"Ok," Spotty said. "Wish me luck."

"I sure will," Dotty answered, with an amused smile.

Afua had excused himself after the meeting was over. Kopa and Vitani had other friends to meet with that day anyhow.

On his way out, he accidentally bumped into Spotty. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Afua said. "I didn't see you there ma'am."

"Hey there handsome," Spotty answered, blinking her eyelashes,

"I'm sorry?" Afua asked.

"My name's Spotty. Wanna go for a walk somewhere?" The lioness asked.

"Um, I have to go home now..." The nervous lion lied.

"Why so?" Spotty asked. "Don't you want to make friends?"

"I don't even know you." Afua said. "And I have to go."

"Don't you want to stay around awhile?" Spotty asked, rubbing against Afua.

Not really. Afua thought but didn't say. He just turned to the direction his home pride was in.

"I really want to get to know you better," Spotty said, coming alongside him. She now really liked Afua. "Don't you want to stick around a little longer?"

Afua looked at the lioness and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know me so well?" he asked. "I've only known you for a few minutes."

"Because," Spotty started shyly. "I like you for who you are."

Even though she started off mostly as a flirt, Spotty now really liked Afua's personality, even though she'd only known him for a few minutes and seen him little. Afua's expression softened when he saw Spotty's smile, knowing her feelings were indeed genuine. It felt good to be wanted by someone.

Spotty rested her head under Afua's chin, and both of them blushed. "I'm glad I stayed around longer today," Afua commented, smiling.

"I sure am too." Spotty answered, also smiling.

Meanwhile, Kopa and Vitani had stayed off to the side, watching the whole thing unfold.

"Wow." Vitani commented. "Who would've expected that to happen?"

Kopa shook his head. "At least they're happy."

Indeed, now the two lions were snuggling and nuzzling nearby. Soon they would be inseparable lovers and friends.


Spotty and Afua got married after Kopa and Vitani's wedding held at the Tree of Life. They had one daughter named after Vitani, Spotty's good friend, shortly before Kovu and Kiara had their litter. Tani would grow up to be spunky and outgoing, and her parents let her have much freedom.

Afua and Spotty's marriage would always be friendly and sweet.

