The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Why should [Mieke] and I fight? [Kion] and his Lion Guard should be able to handle this threat by themselves. We shouldn't have to fight this battle, or look after Kohana and Ayana. Regandi and Merah are capable of doing that without our help. The treaty with the leopons really has brought ruin to this kingdom.
―Adhiri refusing to help in the war

Adhiri is a lioness. She is the mother of Mieke and Gula.

She is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Adhiri's pelt is tawny, while her muzzle and underbelly are paler in color. Her ears are rimmed with brown. Her eyes are brown.


Adhiri is described as argumentative and distrustful. She is also very arrogant and prideful. When interacting with her granddaughters, Adhiri is shown to be gentle and affectionate.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands []

A Celebration in the Pride Lands []

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]



  • Adhiri is voiced by Moira Kelly.