The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Adea was an African lioness who resided at the Pridelands and was a huntress of Mufasa's Pride. She is now a Great Lion of the Past. She was the younger sister of Sofi and Tish, the mate of Naanda, and the adopted mother of Leo and Mega.


Adea had golden fur, and a lighter muzzle, paws and underbelly. She had darker gold flecks on her forehead. Adea had dark rimmed ears, with cream inner-rims. Her inner ears are tawny orange. She was a well built and sleek lioness, with a brown tail tuft. She had a orangey red nose, and had red eyes.


Adea was a strong-willed and dutiful lioness, with a very strong faith in the Lions of the Past. She was an adept and skilled huntress with strong leadership capabilities. She harbors deep respect for the prey she and the other hunters and huntresses caught. She often came in conflict with Scar due to his blatant disregard for the Circle of Life and the pride's traditions. She deeply loved her mate, Naanda, and her adopted sons, Mega and Leo. She had a habit of naming her cubs untraditional names, to make her cubs "stand out" from the other lions of her pride.


Sisters: Sofi and Tish

Mate: Naanda

Adopted Sons: Leo and Mega

Daughter in law: Sabini

Adopted Grandson: Babu

Adopted Granddaughter: Boga

Sister in laws: Sarabi, Dwala and Diku

Brother in law: Mufasa

Mother in law: Oba

Father in law: Mkumila

Grandmother in law: Ziwa

Grandfather in law: Moto I

Great Aunt: Chiku


-Her name means "a kind gift from God" in Swahili
