The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Abasi (Indominus)

Abasi is the former and last king of the Ngro Pride. He is the father of Sarabi , Dwala , Diku and Naanda.


Abasi was born to the King and Queen of the Ngro Pride. As a teenager , be was betrothed to his childhood friend Safari. He had four daughters with her - Sarabi , Naanda , Dwala Diku.


One night, a pack of hyenas attacked his pride. He told Safari to look after the cubs while he and the others fight. However he , lost, and was killed by the hyenas. His mate Safari took the cubs to the Pridelands.


  • This character belongs to User:SpixNala101 and has been used with her Permission.
  • He was a caring father , mate and son.
  • He was a good fighter.